
ragazza con cuffie e e cellulare al mare_audio descrizione eventi culturali
Il podcast di Movidabilia
We are delighted to announce that Movidabilia also has a podcast, available on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Anchor, Google Podcast, Amazon Music,it
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How to organize a tactile visit for an event
Come organizzare una visita tattile per un evento live, spettacolo teatrale o concerto, in 7 mosse. Organizzare una visita tattile
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strumenti per la sottotitolazione e sovratitolazione
Subtitling Tools: the best free and paid automatic tools,it
What are the most powerful subtitling tools, both to make web videos more accessible than
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lavorare nella cultura come fare - stefano-stacchini-jjpg
Working in culture: how to do it and what to invest in,it
If you want to work in culture, if you want to be actors and communicators in the cultural sector, you need new skills. there,it
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accessibilità della cultura
Accessibility of culture: how to make investments and training,it
What cultural accessibility really is, how to implement it and how to become an expert in accessibility of culture. The accessibility of the,it
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museo tattile italia kristina-flour
Tactile Museums of Italy: what they are and where to find them,,it,Tactile museums are a museum experience increasingly appreciated by everyone, blind people but also people without visual impediments. Here's what they are, and where to find the best in Italy,,it,Have you ever visited a tactile museum? We have already talked about it in other articles and it is an increasingly popular and appreciated type of museum.,,it,In fact, tactile museums allow a new approach to culture and the museum experience in general, making it captivating, lively, multisensory and, therefore, more interesting for everyone.,,it,What is a tactile museum?,,it
I musei tattili sono un’esperienza museale sempre più apprezzata da tutti, persone cieche ma anche persona senza impedimenti visivi. Ecco
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come fare l'audiodescrizione di un concerto
How to do the audio description of a concert: technical ideas and mistakes not to be made,it
Come fare l’audiodescrizione di un concerto: consigli tecnici divisi per punti, cose da sapere e come non commettere errori L’audiodescrizione
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monica renna prova il service per audio descrizione e ascolto assistito di movidabilia
Attended listening to concerts and scenic audio description: the experimentation starts from Taranto,it
Una app e un service che permettono agli ipo udenti di sentire meglio i concerti e gli spettacoli teatrali (anche
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accessibilità taranto jazz festival unsplash
Movidabilia takes care of the accessibility of the Taranto Jazz Festival 2021,,it,Great news on the accessibility of culture experienced in preview at the Taranto Jazz Festival. Here are some interesting previews.,,it,The most beautiful music festivals are back and Movidabilia returns to take care of the removal of the architectural and cultural barriers that have always revolved and unfortunately die hard in the world of disability and accessibility.,,it,Taranto Jazz Festival and Movidabilia: the difference between assistance and accessibility,,it,Antonio Oliveti, director of the Taranto Jazz Festival,,it
Grandi novità sull’accessibilità della cultura sperimentate in anteprima al Taranto Jazz Festival. Ecco alcune interessanti anticipazioni. Tornano i festival musicali
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si avvicina l'evento do chiusura della campagna accessibility is cool
Making events in open spaces accessible: 6 methods tested and approved by Movidabilia,it
Vuoi rendere accessibili eventi culturali che stai organizzando con la tua associazione, con o per un ente o istituzione? Sei
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